Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Author

One of my favourite authors is Henri Nouwen.  Some years back a friend had completed writing a book and was having a book launch.  Lorne and I were absolutely thrilled to be invited as  Henri Nouwen was the speaker. Then as the icing on the cake, after the event we had the privilege of going out for coffee with him and  a half dozen other people.  The next day when I picked up one of Nouwen’s books I read with a whole new perspective.  The words sprang to life because of a personal connect with the author.
This week, during a conversation about the Bible someone said,  “Isn’t it great that we have the author of Scripture with us when we read?”  What an incredible thought. Not only do we know the author...He is with us to give insight and meaning each time we go to the Word. He breathes life into the text and shows us its’ application in our lives. What a gift! Our part is to be intentionally listening to His voice. 
As you go to the Word stop and thank God that He, the Author, is with you.  As you begin, breathe a prayer...”Spirit what do you want me to hear today; please give me understanding as I read”.
I hope you can join us this weekend. We are asking the Spirit to teach us through the incredible story of Daniel.
God bless your summer friends!
“We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives..”  Col 1:9

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