Saturday, August 3, 2013

Intelligent Conversations

"Bring the harpoon!"

Four bodies scrambled out of the cabin, loudly cheering and scurrying to the dock; there was Uncle Ben pulling in a two pound largemouth bass. He didn't really need a harpoon, but after catching many small ones, this was exciting for us all.

Two families and five days huddled in a small cabin in northern Wisconsin turned out to be a wonderful holiday. To be honest, I felt nervous about it prior to arriving because we had drifted apart due to the miles between us and the unhealthy relationships of those family members who live in that area. As the holiday progressed, there was a strong sense of how much we were missing by keeping each other at arms length.

I am challenged to not withdraw from relationships just because things get difficult. It's those same relationships that smooth out my rough edges. Believe it or not they are actually gifts from God!

I want to get better at choosing to have intelligent conversations when things aren't going well, rather than "bailing.” That means not shutting off my mind but instead engaging it. And I can apply this to every relationship; when I choose to blame or hold grudges, I’m not engaging my mind in finding solutions. I am actually choosing to abandon the exact relationship that God wants to use to make me more like Jesus. I am called to be more courageous in following Jesus, who loved sacrificially, lived humbly and extends grace generously.

I am ending my holiday with a new sense of what is truly important. Our family and friends are a gift, giving us the opportunity to let God's Spirit make us more like Jesus.

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.” 2 Thess. 2:16,17

Enjoy the long weekend,
Yvonne Lemke
Worship Arts

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