Friday, August 9, 2013

Choose the Seaside

The more I return to Novi Sad, the more I question my need for so much back home. And I'm not just talking stuff; I'm talking about my energy, creativity and brain power – am I saving these for myself or using them to serve others?

These past weeks at kids' camp have included 'hold your belly' laughter, tender glimpses into a child's life and insights that wouldn't necessarily happen during a regular week of the regular stuff.

We've heard an 11-year old's story of how God brought food to their house when they ran out. And about a girl born three months premature, who is now a miracle, running and playing and bringing joy to our team's faces. There’s another girl who is the only believer in her whole school. Yup; not her class...her entire school.

So, I come here to help, but instead I gaze in amazement at the faith of my Serbian sisters and brothers.  I'm humbled by their trust and understanding of a God who is much bigger than us.

As I return home, that is what I want to remember: I have experienced something much bigger than myself. I have left what I know in search of what I do not know, and in the process have found the seaside instead of being satisfied with playing in the mud puddles (CS Lewis's words, I believe).

Serbia has helped me to experience the 'seaside.' I love these people, and a piece of my heart will remain here. I return home and ask God to continue His work inside of me, directing me to what He wants me to do...whatever that will be.

Cindy Christensen
Currently in Serbia, Children's Camp

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