Saturday, August 24, 2013

I Can Choose...

1. compassion or kindness shown toward an offender; compassion or benevolence
2. something that gives evidence of divine favour; blessing.

I love driving… so much in fact that I went to race car driving school a few years ago where I developed new skills and experienced an exhilarating adventure.  There have been moments lately, however, when driving and summer travel hasn’t been so much fun, and I’ve encountered people that left me feeling frustrated and discouraged.  It’s at these times in particular that I’ve been gently reminded to soften my heart and view them as Jesus does, cherishing His children with unconditional love and mercy.

We have such an extravagantly merciful God who ensures equality at the foot of the cross and never holds our mistakes against us:

God had mercy on me and let me be an example of the endless patience of Christ Jesus. He did this so that others would put their faith in Christ and have eternal life. 1 Timothy 1:16, CEV

I am continually amazed at the expanse of God’s grace and compassion...  Jesus instructs us not to judge others for their attitudes and behaviour but to instead be tolerant, loving and Christ-like. With a new season just around the corner, there will be perfect moments when I can choose to respond with a full heart, generously extend mercy and glorify Him who first loved and forgave us.

All the best,
Michelle Waltmans

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