Saturday, July 6, 2013

Deep calls unto deep

A couple of days ago my wife and I were in the car together with a 15 minute trip ahead of us. Rather than fill the time with the typical small talk, I asked her something I don’t ask her often enough. “How are you experiencing God these days?”

For the rest of our small commute, she shared what she has been reflecting on in scripture, what she’s been praying about, and the struggles and successes she has had with internalizing God’s promises. It was meaningful to hear my wife share at a deeper level and experience her journey with God.
She taught me a couple of things, and her sharing caused me to reflect deeper on the ways I’m experiencing and hearing from God lately. Psalm 42:7 says "Deep calls unto deep." From the depths of our journey and our willingness to share, we provoke a response from the depths of those to whom we open ourselves up. I believe this is the kind of relationship God created us to have with Him and each other.
The obvious application is to challenge you to go a little deeper in a relationship that you know is stuck at a shallow and comfortable layer. Take a risk and find a conversation in the next couple of days that you can ask, or share, how you have been experiencing God these days.

- Pastor Kevin

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