Saturday, July 20, 2013

Feel The Freedom!

As we continue preparing for our 50th Anniversary Celebration this fall, I’ve been going over the stories, reflections and praise that our church has submitted via email, story cards and videos. It is such an honour to hear each of them. God is so good. 

There are so many thoughts and stories that I could share with you (and I will at the 50th!), but today I would just like to share one that was submitted via story card in the service a few weeks back.  I needed this reminder and maybe you do today as well:

“…I spent a lot of years trying to control my life on my own. What a joy and pleasure to give the control to someone who is infinitely wiser than me.”
Don’t we all try to control our lives in little ways each day? We carry the burdens of worry and fear around with us, but we don’t have to…as this person said, what a joy to give these over to Jesus, who wants to carry these for us and direct our steps. 

“Casting all your care on Him because He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7

Unburden yourselves, friends, and feel the freedom that Jesus offers!



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