Saturday, May 25, 2013

Where's the language to express this?

In the Celtic Christian tradition, there’s this idea that around the world, usually in nature, exist “thin places.” A “thin place” is simply a place where the chatter and distractions of daily life are minimized to the point that it’s easier to become aware of God’s presence and hear His voice.

Last Friday I was sitting in one of these “thin places” as I gazed at the Rocky Mountains, pondering the theme of gratitude. As part of a spiritual formation exercise, I had been given the challenge to write a poem, song, or a prayer expressing my thankfulness to God; I wrote a prayer. I had the opportunity to share my prayer of gratitude with some of my closest friends and teammates and have been encouraged to share my heart with you, my church family.

May 16 (written in Hinton, Alberta while gazing at the Rocky Mountains):

Gratitude! Saying thank you! Where do I begin? What can I add to those created before me who have exhausted the human language trying to express something that resides so deeply rooted in spirit? Something gets watered down when I try to capture gratitude in a container of written or spoken word so I will be silent, yet present, in my spirit.

I will praise You with an offering of quiet presence, and I will inhale the beauty of Your creation. Awareness of Your existence, acknowledging You as the Creator not only of the masterpiece that surrounds me right now but as the Creator who has crafted and painted me into this cosmic canvas, seems the most grateful expression that I have to offer You. Amen-

I pray that you recognize and experience God in the thin places and moments that surround you each day.

~ Pastor Kevin

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