Saturday, May 4, 2013

New Insights... Together

This week, my son Peter and I had a great conversation over coffee. We got around to comparing our thoughts on one of the Psalm talks we have heard at church recently. I shared how God has been challenging me through one particular Psalm, and Peter told me that God had revealed something totally different and unique to him through the same Psalm.

For both of us, God’s word had come alive in a precise way, shedding light on what we each specifically needed to see. How sweet to gain new insight together. As our coffee date ended, I left refreshed…challenged by God’s word revealed through Peter.

God’s word is inspired…so relevant and personal. The ancient words have timeless wisdom. God reveals Himself as we read His Word and open our hearts to receive. Understanding and insight increase as we engage in learning God’s Word each weekend and as we participate in spiritual conversations in groups or with individuals. Equipped with God’s truth, we feel encouraged to actively apply and share what He is uniquely teaching each of us.

Embrace the opportunities! Dive into His word, lean into learning environments and strike up spiritual conversations…and “grow in wisdom…and in favour with God and man” just like Jesus (Luke 2:52).

Enjoy the sunshine!
Pastor Donna

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