Saturday, May 18, 2013

He's Already At Work

I recently watched a video clip of a Bill Hybels interview with Bono (U2) at Leadership Summit 2006. Bono made a profound statement that has stuck in my heart this week, “Stop asking God to bless what you are doing, instead find out where God is at work, because that work has already been blessed.” Wow!

This has particular meaning for me since I just returned from visiting our international workers in Guinea and Serbia to learn about the work that God is doing there. For those of you that don’t know me, my family and friends would classify me as a "learner, do-er and go-er.” I like to be active and brainstorm new ideas and then implement.

Here’s where Bono’s words struck me the most: maybe I need to stop blasting forward first and then asking God to bless what I do; He’s already at work, here and around the world. I need to step into the good work that He has already begun and let Him direct me, “for we are co-workers in God’s service” (1 Corinthians 3:9). In finding the places that God has already blessed, like Renaissance FM in Guinea or the Men’s Rehab Center in Serbia, and supporting the international workers that are on ground each and every day, we are stepping into God’s work.

I feel so privileged to have been able to go on this trip and minister to these disciples of Christ. As we left, they told us that we had blessed their ministries, but in reality, by allowing me to witness and participate in God’s Mission, the blessing belongs to us all. 

In Service with Him,
Doug Johnston

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