Saturday, May 11, 2013

Give it to God

This has been a long week for me. Almost two weeks ago, my husband, Doug, traveled with Pastor Wade and Chris to Conakry, Guinea and then to Novi Sad, Serbia to spend time with our global partners. When we’ve been able to communicate, he’s shared that they’ve learned a great deal about the ministries in these locations. They’ve also been able to bless these communities, as well as other international workers in the areas.

My heart sings at this news! But when news of violent demonstrations in Conakry made the headlines last week, I had my share of worry; what wife wouldn’t? As I prayed for their protection, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace – the kind of peace that only Jesus can provide…”give it to Me,” He whispered…“…do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10) As I thought through this, I was struck with the idea that there is no better companion in distress to be found than Jesus. As a wife, I worry for my husband’s safety and health; as a mother, I worry for my children. But when Doug travels, or my teenager climbs into her car to go to school or work, I am not and cannot be their best protector. There is someone who loves them even more than I do – and He promises to be with them when no one else is or can be there.

May you feel the peace of Christ this week,
Mandy Johnston

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