Saturday, June 1, 2013

Does It Really Matter?

I was moved to tears this week. A letter arrived in the mail from a jail not too far from our city.

This young man came to our home often as a little boy. He lived in the orphanage that I visited. As years went on, he got in trouble. When he became desperate for help, he remembered us and asked for help at the drug rehab center. We were glad he came; however, it was not easy for him. After a couple of weeks he left. He did not last long on the street and asked to come back to the center. We gave him a second chance, but again he did not last and shortly after that was arrested.

We did not hear from him for a long time and wondered if our care and concern for him had mattered. The letter that we just received proves that it had. I never thought that our interactions would have lasting fruit in his life. But the love, kind words, and acceptance were meaningful to him, and he had not forgotten.

Now, he is not the same man. God touched his life! He prays and talks to others about hope in Christ, and he believes that God has a plan for his life. Even though he is in jail, he is serving his six-year sentence with a changed heart. The four-page letter that he wrote from jail is a testimony to the fact that nothing done in the name of Christ is EVER in vain!

Sometimes we wonder if our words and actions matter. They do! Some drug addicts finish the program and are doing well. Some do not, but they have been exposed to something they will never forget – the love of Christ and love of His people. 

God bless you,
Vera & Danny,
Global Partners - Serbia

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