Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What do you watch for?

 Earlier I was reading from the book of Mark where Jesus, in chatting with four of His disciples, responds to their questions of when the end will come and what the signs will be as it approaches. Jesus begins His reply with the word… ‘watch’ (Mark 13:5)

...and, He concludes the chapter with a single word… “WATCH” (Mark 13:36)! He uses other synonymous words throughout the text such as: Be on guard! Be alert! Keep watch!

I was challenged by that word ‘watch’ and asked myself… what do I typically watch for?
  • Am I actively watching and anticipating Christ’s return, possibly even today, or is my gaze on my own self absorbed interests?
    • Does the reality of Christ’s return truly cause me to live differently today – or not? 
    • Do I engage with this day with an urgency for the salvation of others?
  • Do I wake up each morning with the acknowledgment that this could possibly be my last day on earth? 
    • Or, do I function with an entitlement attitude that says, “tomorrow ‘will’ be mine?” 
    • What if I knew that the next 8 hrs – 8 days – 8 months – 8 years would be my last?
    • What then, would I be watching for?
    • What then would my priorities  – focus – attention be?
  • Am I actively watching for Christ’s work around me and entering in to what He is doing?
Do I watch ‘out for’ those things that will take my attention off of Christ?
  • Am I watching and on guard, fully aware of the distractions of life?
  • Am I alert to what I am most susceptible to that will cause my gaze to shift off of my Creator and on to myself?
  • Do I keep watch for incorrect attitudes/thoughts patterns that if left unchecked will take me off course?
Father, enable us today, to move through the moments and hours…watching. Watching with expectancy, with hope, with faith, and with joy. Watching for opportunities to extend your love, compassion and hope to this world. Watching out for those things that can subtly sneak in to divert our attention. Watching…


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is quite the awakening.even the next few minutes are not guaranteed to any of us.young or old,sick or well.Jan.16 2010 a handsome healthy 34 yrs old dad of a 3yr old and a loving husband went to sleep as usual and took his last breath while he slept.It could happen to anybody.Let's all keep watch and live every minute as if it was the last coz it could be.