Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Val's Musings...

We are all familiar with the story of the prodigal son. I have been greatly influenced by Henri Nouwen’s writing of this parable where he states, “Whether you are the younger son or the elder son, you have to realize that you are called to become the father.”

In other words, we can all relate to each of these characters, at various seasons of our spiritual journey – always striving to be more and more like the father.

This morning, as I sat soaking in the text of Luke 15:11 (this parable), I found myself being drawn into the person of the elder son and one of the statements the Father spoke to him following his angry outburst towards his lost brothers return. The father’s stmnt that caught my attention was this: “My son, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.”

I asked myself:
  • do I realize the immense value/gift of having the Holy Spirit in my life? That He is always with me?
Or, have I grown so accustomed to His presence that I no longer remember what it is even like to be without Him?

Relationships can be like that…next month it will be 5 yrs since my Mom passed away and I admit that while she was still here I was often apathetic to her nearness. 
  • do I live as though everything the Father has is mine? Do I fully embrace what has been entrusted to me as a co-heir with Christ? (Romans 8:16-17)
Or, do I live with a scarcity mentality, a competitive nature, a misunderstood view of my brother in the eyes of our father?

How easy it is to attempt to gain my father’s approval, attention and favour. Instead of tapping in to the security, buoyancy and resilience that comes through Him.

Just a couple of thoughts to ponder as you serve Him today...

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