Friday, October 8, 2010

Lord, please save me from myself...

I've had a lot of interesting feedback from last weekend's service, where we talked openly about the fact that we regularly worship 'other gods.' In my last post I listed a few of my gods, but I think I should have mentioned the god that gives me the most trouble. That god is ME.

I'm no different than anyone else who hates being dependent and powerless. This was Adam and Eve's issue. They didn't like the fact that God put limits on them. They sinned (it was a power grab...think about it), and now the temptation to worship self is part of our nature. It's certainly a part of mine.

Reinhold Niebuhr ( believed that our struggle between dependence on God and the illusion that we control our own lives creates a will to power that dominates our world and our relationships. I think he's right.

So here's a simple, but hopefully helpful prayer..."Not my will Father, but Yours be done."

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