Friday, October 1, 2010

Messing around with other gods

We're starting a new teaching series called "other gods" this weekend. I've been thinking about this one for a few months now...thinking about how much our church and our culture needs this. And, as usual, God turns it all around and smacks me in the head, making me realize that I'm just as much of an idolater as anyone else.

All week long God's been pointing out my idols. I've become a coffee junkie in the last 3-4 years. Well, Starbucks is one of my idols. The USC Trojans are an idol. So is HDTV, a decent balance in my savings account, a good meeting with someone from the staff, and a well delivered talk. My kids are idols...that one's messing with me.

I think the best definition of idolatry is this one: Taking anything that isn't God and putting it in the place where God belongs. It's looking to something that doesn't have God's power to give me what only God has the power and authority to give.

This series is going to kick me around a little. Maybe that's good.


Renee said...

Ok..I will start the discussion :)

I attended the service this past Saturday night where we wrote down 10 things that we are all guilty of idolizing at some point in our lives. We then listened to a series of questions and were told to check off the idol that answered the question.
My check marks were all grouped on 1. Work and 2. Spiritual Maturity.

I loved this activity because a few days before I was asked by my boyfriend if I considered myself to be a workaholic. I had taken offense to this because I am very passionate about my work and feel that the time and effort I put in is very meaningful. But when we did this activity I all of a sudden gained some perspective about just how much of my energy I put into my work. It was surprising and yet not surprising at the same time.

Here is my question:

I feel and have felt for a very long time that the work I do is my calling. I work as a special needs assistant and inclusion advocate. I have been working as a full time assistant to a boy named Nathan who has cerebral palsy. I work with him at school and at home and he, his friends and I recently started giving presentations to schools and organizations on inclusion of persons with disabilities.
I believe God placed Nathan and I in each others lives and that God is using us to teach others.

Soooo.... is placing my "work" which I actually think is my calling, my mission charged to me by God so high on my priority list actually idolatry? I'm using my God-given talents to do His work (I believe)...

I'm a bit confused as I think "workaholic" carries a negative connotation but I am proud of the efforts I put into my "work".

Feedback please!!
God bless!

Leanne said...

I loved the exercise from the message as well. Would it be possible to have those questions again? I'd like to be able to go over them again more thoughtfully.

I think even a "calling" can become an idol. From what I understand, an idol or other god is something that we put our hope and trust in before the one true God. When the Israelites were tired of waiting on God, they needed to fill this void and created the golden calf. The same is true for me, when I look to something to fulfill a need... material things, other people, my family and yes my job... even though I do believe I have been called to do it...they become my other gods.

It's good to do our work wholeheartedly and for Gods glory, but I can easily start making my job something that I rely on for fulfillment... instead of God.

God, help me to only put my trust in you. Forgive me for putting other things before you. You are my only hope.

Renee said...

Thanks Leanne.

That's a good point you made about relying on work for fulfillment. Sometimes when those of us work in a caregiving sort of role put so much time and effort into that person, we forget to stop and think of why we do that. Is it all really for that other person or are we filling a void within us? Are we avoiding something? Are we forgetting to put God first.

I appreciate your comment very much :)

Yvonne said...

What is most valuable to me?
What do I hold to be most irreplaceable?
What would I be lost without?
What do I think of with most intensity in the long stretches of my thoughts?
What is my incentive for living?
What gives my work meaning and purpose?
This I worship...
Is is God?
Rev. 22:9 (the end)...Worship only God!
This piece written by Gladis & Gordon De Pree in "A Blade of Grass" has provided clarity for me in this area.