Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How is your soul soil?

This time from Mark 4:1-9 ...parable of the sower.

Take a minute to read it. In this text Jesus is describing four types of soil, which can be referred to as our soul...or heart space.

The question for me this morning was simply this: Val, what is the condition of your 'soul soil'...

- is there so much activity in my life that the ground of my soul/heart has become packed, rock hard and impenetrable?
- are there so many rocks on my plate (personal and ministry related) that my roots are being hindered from going deep, as they must?
- are there thorns (sneaky varmints that they are) - unconfessed sin that is crowding out the good fruit that God wants to grow and harvest in my life?
Or, am I in a healthy place of enabling God's Spirit to work, water, nourish, fertilize - even prune - my soul as He so desires to do?

Let's chat @ the water cooler, to share how God may have spoke to us thru this text.

Blessings on you as you faithfully serve his beloved bride today!

Pastor Val

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