Friday, March 8, 2013

Hey Church Family,

Can you believe that three weeks from today is Good Friday? The next few weeks’ communications are intended to help prepare our hearts to fully engage with all that God has for us this Easter season. Today, let’s think about Jesus in the garden before His arrest.

At Gethsemane, Jesus gives us a clear picture of a person living out the values of God’s kingdom. He knows His mission and the reason He has come; He also knows the extreme suffering He is about to endure in order for that mission to be fulfilled. He wrestles with His Father in prayer, pouring out His heart, asking if there is any other way the mission could be accomplished: “Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me.” Jesus’ next words encapsulate the heart of a follower: “Yet,” (or in the translation I grew up with, “Nevertheless,”) “not my will, but Yours be done.”

“Nevertheless” is the pivotal point where Jesus subordinates His desires to the greater plan of God’s kingdom. I am so thankful for that “nevertheless”—that Jesus was more committed to the will of the Father than His own comfort, even His own life. As we move towards Easter, let’s honour Jesus’ magnificent self-sacrificing choice by choosing everyday to do the same thing—putting His mission and His will above our own.

PRAYER: Thank You, Jesus, for choosing a path of suffering to bring me life. Thank You for choosing the way of the kingdom—the way of self-sacrifice—laying down Your life so others, including me, could have life. I ask for the grace today to let go and to pray with Jesus, “...nevertheless, not my will but Yours be done.” Amen!


PS ~ Last weekend, Pastor Wade talked a bit about “spiritual pathways” to help us connect even more with God. We’ve had a few requests for a copy of these, click here if you would like one.

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