Friday, March 15, 2013

Peter's Denial

Hi Church Family,

This season of the church year, one story that intrigues me is Peter’s denial of Jesus.

The night before Jesus’ crucifixion, Peter brashly boasted that he would never abandon Jesus in His hour of need. Jesus’ reply was surprising. He said that even before sunrise the next morning Peter would, not just once, but three times deny He even knew Jesus. Sure enough, when Peter was confronted with accusations that he was one of the people who had been with Jesus, he angrily replied, “I do not know this man!” Then the rooster crowed and Peter bitterly wept.

It’s a little too easy for us to think that if we’d been in Peter’s shoes, we would have courageously defended Jesus. But is that really true? How often have we been ashamed to be recognized as a follower of Jesus? How often have we remained silent when there was a need for the truth to be spoken? Aren’t these denials just like Peter’s?

But now let me tell you “the end of the story.” It is found in John 21:15-24. Take some time to check it out this week.

After His resurrection, Jesus made a point of taking Peter aside. How ashamed the three-time-denier Peter must have felt. Jesus gently asked him THREE times (coincidence? I don’t think so!), “Peter, do you love me?” Then three times Peter answered that he did. The words used in the original Greek indicate that at least Peter was honest enough to say his love probably only amounted to a fondness rather than the committed love Jesus deserved. And Jesus’ response? Three times He lovingly re-commissioned Peter for His kingdom work.

Are you feeling a bit of a failure this week? Do you feel like you’ve let Jesus down in some way? Remember the end of Peter’s denial story: divine forgiveness and affirmation. Jesus responds the very same way to us. I think that’s really good news to think about this week.

In Him,
Pastor Norm

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