Saturday, March 23, 2013

Two Thieves

There’s a very moving passage in Luke 23:39-43. It’s an account of the two thieves who were being crucified next to Jesus. When you read this, you will see that in their last hours of life, maybe even moments, one thief grows bitter and insulting towards Jesus and the other humbled and receptive of Jesus’ gift of eternal life.

I recently shared this passage with someone who came to meet with me. This person is dying from an illness, and the health crisis has caused long and deep reflection on relationships for them. For many years, this person’s journey was full of selfish ambitions and unhealthy choices. As we sat in my office talking about their past and future, I heard a person taking responsibility for their choices and the impact they had on the people around them. At one point, they shared that it’s time to get things right with Jesus. I immediately thought of the passage from Luke 23:42-43 and assured them that like the thief on the cross that chose to follow Jesus at the last minute, it wasn’t too late to make the same decision.

Wherever this finds you and whatever you are going through today, I pray that you recognize how loved you are and receive the gift of real life Jesus extends to you. He is relentless in His pursuit of us, and His invitation to come and follow Him never ceases. I pray that today is a day you say “yes” to Jesus…for the first time, or once again.

God Bless you!
Pastor Kevin

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