Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hey Church,

I have never experienced Jesus’ love to the depth that I have this past year. Jesus has been teaching me more and more about His fatherly love for us. We just celebrated our son’s 1st birthday, and I can still remember the day we brought him home and thinking, “What now?” Tya and I would sit for hours inspecting every inch of his body, every wrinkle in his skin and movement he would make. As Kohen got older and struggled with different sicknesses, there were many days that our hearts ached for him.

Through these challenging times, Jesus has shown me how His interactions with us are very similar. After God created everything in Genesis, He sat back and said that it was very good. In moments of struggle, pain and hardship, He is there with us. Jesus desires to walk with us through good and bad and actually have a relationship with us. The psalmist puts it beautifully when he writes,

"You have searched me, Lord,
and You know me.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
You perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
You are familiar with all my ways."

Jesus is all about us and desperately wants the opportunity to walk intimately with us. I have now experienced the love and affection that Jesus has for all of us at a deeper level. He is smitten with us, His greatest creation. I hope you’ll allow that truth to percolate in your mind and settle in your heart this week. Would you carry this truth into your worship this weekend?

Be blessed.


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