Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hey Church family,

Last weekend Pastor Greg gave us a clear reminder of the consequences of our wandering from God - which in the case of David led him to horrific sin. All sin steals life and misses the dream God has for us.

But as we learned from David’s story our God is a God of amazing grace and pardon (read David’s confession in Psalm 51). Yesterday marked the beginning of the season of preparation for Easter. What a great time to take stock of our own lives and ask God to show us where we are missing the mark…and ask where He wants us to repent and return to Him. God’s voice is always one of invitation and conviction, never condemnation.

Consider how you might open yourself up to God in this season. The E100 group that I’m part of has decided to observe Lent together. God has already challenged me to give up something that is drawing my attention away from Him, so that I can be free and have more space in my life to be intentional with Him. Interestingly, the word Lent literally means “spring.”

Who knows what season of new life and renewal God might have for you as we move towards celebrating His defining act of conquering death and sin through His resurrection!

“…Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart… Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate...” Joel 2:12-13


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