Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Year's Revolution

I was chatting with a dad in SonBurst recently, and the topic of “New Year’s Resolutions” came up. His young daughter overheard and joined in the conversation. She announced that she had made a few New Year’s ‘Revolutions.’ We chuckled about her choice of words, but I think there is some truth in that notion. After only a couple of weeks, I know that to keep my resolutions is going to be a challenge that might require, well, “revolution-like tactics.”
Just coming off a week of Solemn Assembly, I have confronted some personal demons that represent years of struggle. I have heard reports of similar experiences and some tremendous breakthroughs. For many it is “revolutionary” and the remarkable onset of God’s healing process. How do we keep moving forward in the process? The challenge is in the day-in and day-out experiences of living. 
Paul says it best in Romans 12:2:
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Renewing our mind daily…actually, probably multiple times during the day. Self-talk that claims God’s Truth right in the moments of confrontation with lies or temptation. A practical application might be access to a collection of relevant Scriptures that are at your fingertips (or maybe even memorized), so you can pray through them when you need them. Transformation is a work of grace by God's Spirit, but our job is to open ourselves to Him and His Truth.
So, about the resolutions…I’m not going to beat myself up, but I am going to allow them to be a regular reminder of my need for God in my life…moment by moment. That could start a New Year’s Revolution! Bring on 2014.
Pastor Donna

Saturday, January 11, 2014

You Are A Masterpiece

Today I spent some time reading what our church family has posted to the boards in the auditorium during Solemn Assembly. As I read, I prayed for the hurt, the longing and the joy that was so apparent in the words, and I felt a bond with each of the authors. I grabbed a few to share with you, and if you have a few minutes today or this weekend, give the others a read; I’m sure your heart will be as moved as mine.
"My distorted view of God: God made a mistake when He created me. I was an accident, unloved and unwanted. God was too far from me to help me; I was unreachable. HIS TRUTH: He created me wholly and completely. He envisioned me before I was born. He has great plans for me. He loves me, and I am His child."
"As I sit at the foot of the cross…I see so many holes punctured in the wood – each one symbolizing my sins! Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven; I did it all! I did it for love! I did it for you! Come and find your rest in Me!"
"God, Please let me feel what I feel here everywhere. I’m sorry for hiding my love for You. God, You are amazing and wonderful. I want to sing it out!"

Here's a prayer that Pastor Jeremy read on Wednesday evening.
I hope it is a blessing to you today.
May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you in the truth that you are God’s child and that He cares for you.
Would the peace of Christ sustain you in the acceptance that you are created in the image of God; that you are a masterpiece.
May the peace of Christ free you in the realization that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Would the peace of Christ empower you in the acknowledgment that nothing you face is too big for God.
May the peace of Christ fill you in the understanding that you have direct access to the Holy Spirit Himself, and that He intercedes for you.
Would the peace of Christ relax you in the assurance that He will teach you, guide you, protect you and love you all the rest of your days.
All Glory to Him who sits upon the Throne.
Mandy Johnston

Saturday, January 4, 2014

What is a "Solemn Assembly?"

Over and over again in the Old Testament, God’s people turn away from Him. We get to see God’s response (and advice) in Joel 2:12:
“‘Even now,’ declares the Lord, ‘return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.’…Blow the trumpet in Zion…call a sacred assembly…”
A sacred (or solemn) assembly is a call to repentance and a desire among God’s people for spiritual renewal. The leaders of our church feel that we are being called to this ancient practice, as we were last year.
So, beginning this weekend, we will enter into a week of listening to God and knowing Him better on Friday than we did on Monday. We will listen together to understand what it means to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbours.
Monday to Friday, the auditorium will be open from 7am-6pm for prayer; come for a while or come for a bit. In the evenings, we’ll gather together from 7-9pm for a prayer service, with each night focusing on loving God as outlined by Jesus in Mark 12:28-34.
Let’s approach this upcoming week with holy anticipation and conviction that God will meet us in a profound way.
“Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love...” Joel 2:13

Saturday, December 21, 2013

4 More Sleeps

It's 10:15 on Thursday night as I write this...the final rehearsal for Christmas Eve services has just ended.  Musicians, vocalists, and actors are heading home, and the guys doing all the lighting cues are ordering pizza and preparing to work for a few more hours.  Don't feel too sorry for them, it's become sort of an annual tradition. I think they like it.
There's a link at the bottom of this email that gives you all the information about times and dates for Christmas Eve services, along with information about nursery care, etc.  I’ve also added a photo I took at rehearsal.  I'm not going to give much's just something to pique your interest!
We make Christmas Eve services kind of a big deal, and there are some good reasons for that.  If we're about anything at this church, we're about Following Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the hinge of history.  He is the Hope of the oppressed.  He is the One who inspires.  He is the King of Kings.  He is the Lord of Lords.  He is the greatest teacher who ever lived.  He sparked the greatest movement that has ever spread.  He offered the greatest gift that has ever been given.  He mastered life.  He conquered death.  He alone overcame sin.  He is the Son of God.  He is the Saviour of the world. Those are just a few reasons why we unashamedly go all out to celebrate His birth.
I hope to see you at one of the four presentations of "The Glory Of It All,"  Monday the 23rd @ 7 pm, or Tuesday the 24th @ 3, 5, or 7 pm. 
Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Presence Amidst Presents

Have you ever had one of those days where you woke up thinking you knew what was important in your day, but by the end of the day realize you weren’t even close? Yesterday I hopped out of bed, eager to get at my long to-do list.  I mapped out how much time I had for each item so that I’d have things completed before a mid-afternoon meeting. The second stop was at a local business. It was an easy one...I’d be in and out in five minutes.
As I greeted the receptionist, I could see that although she was saying all the right things her heart wasn’t in it; clearly something was wrong. I wrestled for a moment and then surrendered to that ‘still small voice’ and said, “Are you really doing okay?” The next hour was spent in tears and hugs as she shared that this was the first Christmas since her son died; so many questions, so much pain, so much yearning. She thanked me profusely for taking the time, and there was a catch in my throat as I realized how close I had come to allowing my busyness stand in the way of showing love.
Lord Jesus, because of Your great love and deep yearning to be with us You came, You entered our world, You entered our pain. You brought healing and hope. We are never alone.  Immanuel. Open our eyes to where You want us to be present to others this Christmas season. To lay aside our plans and desires, and join them in their pain. To be part of Your beautiful story of incarnation. Amen.
In Him,