Saturday, December 21, 2013

4 More Sleeps

It's 10:15 on Thursday night as I write this...the final rehearsal for Christmas Eve services has just ended.  Musicians, vocalists, and actors are heading home, and the guys doing all the lighting cues are ordering pizza and preparing to work for a few more hours.  Don't feel too sorry for them, it's become sort of an annual tradition. I think they like it.
There's a link at the bottom of this email that gives you all the information about times and dates for Christmas Eve services, along with information about nursery care, etc.  I’ve also added a photo I took at rehearsal.  I'm not going to give much's just something to pique your interest!
We make Christmas Eve services kind of a big deal, and there are some good reasons for that.  If we're about anything at this church, we're about Following Jesus Christ.  Jesus is the hinge of history.  He is the Hope of the oppressed.  He is the One who inspires.  He is the King of Kings.  He is the Lord of Lords.  He is the greatest teacher who ever lived.  He sparked the greatest movement that has ever spread.  He offered the greatest gift that has ever been given.  He mastered life.  He conquered death.  He alone overcame sin.  He is the Son of God.  He is the Saviour of the world. Those are just a few reasons why we unashamedly go all out to celebrate His birth.
I hope to see you at one of the four presentations of "The Glory Of It All,"  Monday the 23rd @ 7 pm, or Tuesday the 24th @ 3, 5, or 7 pm. 
Merry Christmas everyone!

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