Saturday, December 14, 2013

Presence Amidst Presents

Have you ever had one of those days where you woke up thinking you knew what was important in your day, but by the end of the day realize you weren’t even close? Yesterday I hopped out of bed, eager to get at my long to-do list.  I mapped out how much time I had for each item so that I’d have things completed before a mid-afternoon meeting. The second stop was at a local business. It was an easy one...I’d be in and out in five minutes.
As I greeted the receptionist, I could see that although she was saying all the right things her heart wasn’t in it; clearly something was wrong. I wrestled for a moment and then surrendered to that ‘still small voice’ and said, “Are you really doing okay?” The next hour was spent in tears and hugs as she shared that this was the first Christmas since her son died; so many questions, so much pain, so much yearning. She thanked me profusely for taking the time, and there was a catch in my throat as I realized how close I had come to allowing my busyness stand in the way of showing love.
Lord Jesus, because of Your great love and deep yearning to be with us You came, You entered our world, You entered our pain. You brought healing and hope. We are never alone.  Immanuel. Open our eyes to where You want us to be present to others this Christmas season. To lay aside our plans and desires, and join them in their pain. To be part of Your beautiful story of incarnation. Amen.
In Him,


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