Saturday, January 18, 2014

New Year's Revolution

I was chatting with a dad in SonBurst recently, and the topic of “New Year’s Resolutions” came up. His young daughter overheard and joined in the conversation. She announced that she had made a few New Year’s ‘Revolutions.’ We chuckled about her choice of words, but I think there is some truth in that notion. After only a couple of weeks, I know that to keep my resolutions is going to be a challenge that might require, well, “revolution-like tactics.”
Just coming off a week of Solemn Assembly, I have confronted some personal demons that represent years of struggle. I have heard reports of similar experiences and some tremendous breakthroughs. For many it is “revolutionary” and the remarkable onset of God’s healing process. How do we keep moving forward in the process? The challenge is in the day-in and day-out experiences of living. 
Paul says it best in Romans 12:2:
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Renewing our mind daily…actually, probably multiple times during the day. Self-talk that claims God’s Truth right in the moments of confrontation with lies or temptation. A practical application might be access to a collection of relevant Scriptures that are at your fingertips (or maybe even memorized), so you can pray through them when you need them. Transformation is a work of grace by God's Spirit, but our job is to open ourselves to Him and His Truth.
So, about the resolutions…I’m not going to beat myself up, but I am going to allow them to be a regular reminder of my need for God in my life…moment by moment. That could start a New Year’s Revolution! Bring on 2014.
Pastor Donna

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