Saturday, January 11, 2014

You Are A Masterpiece

Today I spent some time reading what our church family has posted to the boards in the auditorium during Solemn Assembly. As I read, I prayed for the hurt, the longing and the joy that was so apparent in the words, and I felt a bond with each of the authors. I grabbed a few to share with you, and if you have a few minutes today or this weekend, give the others a read; I’m sure your heart will be as moved as mine.
"My distorted view of God: God made a mistake when He created me. I was an accident, unloved and unwanted. God was too far from me to help me; I was unreachable. HIS TRUTH: He created me wholly and completely. He envisioned me before I was born. He has great plans for me. He loves me, and I am His child."
"As I sit at the foot of the cross…I see so many holes punctured in the wood – each one symbolizing my sins! Jesus says, “Your sins are forgiven; I did it all! I did it for love! I did it for you! Come and find your rest in Me!"
"God, Please let me feel what I feel here everywhere. I’m sorry for hiding my love for You. God, You are amazing and wonderful. I want to sing it out!"

Here's a prayer that Pastor Jeremy read on Wednesday evening.
I hope it is a blessing to you today.
May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ rest upon you in the truth that you are God’s child and that He cares for you.
Would the peace of Christ sustain you in the acceptance that you are created in the image of God; that you are a masterpiece.
May the peace of Christ free you in the realization that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Would the peace of Christ empower you in the acknowledgment that nothing you face is too big for God.
May the peace of Christ fill you in the understanding that you have direct access to the Holy Spirit Himself, and that He intercedes for you.
Would the peace of Christ relax you in the assurance that He will teach you, guide you, protect you and love you all the rest of your days.
All Glory to Him who sits upon the Throne.
Mandy Johnston

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