Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bold Faith

At or near the top of my list of favourite biblical characters is Caleb.  He’s one of the advance scouts sent by Moses into Canaan to explore Israel’s chances at possessing the Promised Land.  The odds look insurmountable; most of the spies think they have no chance…except two.  Only Joshua and Caleb have sufficient faith in God’s promise that He would enable them to take the land (Numbers 13).

Much later on in Joshua 14, Caleb’s bold faith is on display again.  At this point Israel is finally on the move, ready to possess the land God has promised them.  When the time comes to divide and conquer, Caleb, who is now an advanced age, asks for the toughest assignment.  “I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.  Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day.  You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as He said” (Joshua 14:11-12).  I love Caleb’s spirit.

And I love your spirit as a church.  In June, we threw down a bold challenge to raise over $200,000 to bring clean water to our partner community, Mufumya, Burundi.  I can’t wait to tell you what’s happened - and I’ll do that at our services this weekend (hint, hint…if you haven’t picked up on it already, it’s pretty incredible news!).  If you want to know a few more details on the project, you can check it out here.

I hope you’re enjoying the warmth of what’s left of summer, and I hope to see you at SPAC this weekend.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

I Can Choose...

1. compassion or kindness shown toward an offender; compassion or benevolence
2. something that gives evidence of divine favour; blessing.

I love driving… so much in fact that I went to race car driving school a few years ago where I developed new skills and experienced an exhilarating adventure.  There have been moments lately, however, when driving and summer travel hasn’t been so much fun, and I’ve encountered people that left me feeling frustrated and discouraged.  It’s at these times in particular that I’ve been gently reminded to soften my heart and view them as Jesus does, cherishing His children with unconditional love and mercy.

We have such an extravagantly merciful God who ensures equality at the foot of the cross and never holds our mistakes against us:

God had mercy on me and let me be an example of the endless patience of Christ Jesus. He did this so that others would put their faith in Christ and have eternal life. 1 Timothy 1:16, CEV

I am continually amazed at the expanse of God’s grace and compassion...  Jesus instructs us not to judge others for their attitudes and behaviour but to instead be tolerant, loving and Christ-like. With a new season just around the corner, there will be perfect moments when I can choose to respond with a full heart, generously extend mercy and glorify Him who first loved and forgave us.

All the best,
Michelle Waltmans

Friday, August 9, 2013

Choose the Seaside

The more I return to Novi Sad, the more I question my need for so much back home. And I'm not just talking stuff; I'm talking about my energy, creativity and brain power – am I saving these for myself or using them to serve others?

These past weeks at kids' camp have included 'hold your belly' laughter, tender glimpses into a child's life and insights that wouldn't necessarily happen during a regular week of the regular stuff.

We've heard an 11-year old's story of how God brought food to their house when they ran out. And about a girl born three months premature, who is now a miracle, running and playing and bringing joy to our team's faces. There’s another girl who is the only believer in her whole school. Yup; not her class...her entire school.

So, I come here to help, but instead I gaze in amazement at the faith of my Serbian sisters and brothers.  I'm humbled by their trust and understanding of a God who is much bigger than us.

As I return home, that is what I want to remember: I have experienced something much bigger than myself. I have left what I know in search of what I do not know, and in the process have found the seaside instead of being satisfied with playing in the mud puddles (CS Lewis's words, I believe).

Serbia has helped me to experience the 'seaside.' I love these people, and a piece of my heart will remain here. I return home and ask God to continue His work inside of me, directing me to what He wants me to do...whatever that will be.

Cindy Christensen
Currently in Serbia, Children's Camp

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Intelligent Conversations

"Bring the harpoon!"

Four bodies scrambled out of the cabin, loudly cheering and scurrying to the dock; there was Uncle Ben pulling in a two pound largemouth bass. He didn't really need a harpoon, but after catching many small ones, this was exciting for us all.

Two families and five days huddled in a small cabin in northern Wisconsin turned out to be a wonderful holiday. To be honest, I felt nervous about it prior to arriving because we had drifted apart due to the miles between us and the unhealthy relationships of those family members who live in that area. As the holiday progressed, there was a strong sense of how much we were missing by keeping each other at arms length.

I am challenged to not withdraw from relationships just because things get difficult. It's those same relationships that smooth out my rough edges. Believe it or not they are actually gifts from God!

I want to get better at choosing to have intelligent conversations when things aren't going well, rather than "bailing.” That means not shutting off my mind but instead engaging it. And I can apply this to every relationship; when I choose to blame or hold grudges, I’m not engaging my mind in finding solutions. I am actually choosing to abandon the exact relationship that God wants to use to make me more like Jesus. I am called to be more courageous in following Jesus, who loved sacrificially, lived humbly and extends grace generously.

I am ending my holiday with a new sense of what is truly important. Our family and friends are a gift, giving us the opportunity to let God's Spirit make us more like Jesus.

Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and by His grace gave us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope, comfort you and strengthen you in every good thing you do and say.” 2 Thess. 2:16,17

Enjoy the long weekend,
Yvonne Lemke
Worship Arts