Saturday, April 13, 2013


 I remember a time in college when I felt that my world was falling apart. A relationship had ended, and I was stressed about what path my future would take. A gift that God gave me was Psalm 16:8. Back then we used a translation called the NASB, so that's where my memory takes me,

"I have set The Lord continually before me, because He is at my right hand I will not be shaken."

God used this verse then, and many times since, to remind me of two life-giving truths:
  • I need to choose daily and sometimes hourly (continually!) to allow God to take up the most space in my line of vision. When He is in His rightful place-First-all other problems are reduced in size and significance.
  • When I make this choice, I simply align myself and my thoughts with reality...God is bigger...God's got it...God's with me. He is as close as my right hand. Even if my world and the world around me are shaking out of control, the inner world of my true self can remain unshaken.
These truths gave me a rock solid place to stand while in college and countless times since.


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