Saturday, April 20, 2013

Praise Him

It probably comes as no surprise to you that, as a musician, I love the Psalms. Take Psalm 150, for example:

Praise the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens.
Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet… with the harp and lyre…
with timbrel and dancing…with the strings and pipe… with the clash of cymbals...

God has clearly ordained music to be a means through which He is worshiped. But have you ever pondered what He had to do to make it possible to do so?

First of all, He came up with the idea to have all of creation be made up of tiny molecules, invisible to the naked eye. He made some of these molecules light enough to float around and bump into each other. Then He made living creatures with super-sensitive organs that these particles could collide with. Random impacts would be perceived as noise—but when governed by laws of vibration, consonance and dissonance—again, His ideas—melody and harmony became possible.

So far, it’s kind of a technical explanation… but consider that we not only can perceive music, we also are moved by it. Music can inspire us, energize us, console us, sadden us, and even frighten us. But one of my favourite things about music is the fact that it can unite us—especially when we worship our Creator together.

…which was also His idea, by the way. So let the miracle of sound and the gift of music help fuel your worship this weekend.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.


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