Friday, August 31, 2012

Good morning church family…

I’m in my office, having just left a pretty phenomenal meeting. Each year at this time, we have a breakfast for the church and SCA staff. Near the end of our time, we spent a few minutes reflecting on Luke 5:1-11.


If you’re finished reading Ruth in preparation for the weekend message (see how I did that?!), spend a few minutes reading about Jesus’ call to some of his first disciples. Whenever I read this text, I’m convicted by Simon’s response when Jesus tells him to fish again after a fruitless night. Here’s this carpenter/teacher/rabbi who says to drop the nets again; most experienced fisherman would tell Jesus to pound sand. Simon doesn’t: “…because you say so, I will let down the nets.” That’s submission. That’s unquestioning obedience.

There’s plenty to think about in this, but if you take the text to the end, there’s another great challenge. Jesus tells Simon, James, and John, “From now on you will fish for people.” Our ministry team was reminded this morning that we’re in the people business. In the middle of a season of start-up, our challenge is to remember that we’re not activity coordinators; we are environmentalists. We create environments where you are known, loved, cared for, taught and served.

So where’s your head space on this Friday before Labour Day? Is your mind on a list? Is it on the Eskimos/Stamp’s game on Monday? Or is it on the people God has called you to know, love, care for and serve? Ask God to give you eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart for the people around you.

Have a great day,


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