Friday, August 24, 2012

Hey Church,

Wow! The car show and outdoor services last weekend were fantastic! I’m told there were over 300 vehicles (cars and motorcycles) registered for the show. The quality of entries, creativeness, and artistic skill that we witnessed was truly unbelievable. But as much as I enjoy looking at this kind of talent and beauty, I had an experience on Saturday that trumped it all for me.

I found myself in the South Atrium and for a few minutes, I surveyed the parking lot. It was filled with people from our community: families, neighbours, and people who might never otherwise be compelled to step onto our grounds. As I took in this scene, I had an overwhelming sense of pride in our church. I’m so proud that we could open our facility and arms to our community.

Sure, we attracted some beautiful cars (and bikes), and our men’s and compassion teams executed an amazing event and raised funds for worthy charities. But more important even than this, we wove a thread of community and hospitality into the lives of everyone that showed up on the weekend.

When you get a minute, check out this encouraging letter someone from our community submitted to the Sherwood Park News. As a pastor and a brother, let me express to you my admiration of our church and for all of you who served long hours from Friday afternoon right through Sunday afternoon. Well done, family!

See you soon,
Pastor Kevin-

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