Friday, September 23, 2011

Steak or Spam

Recently, as I read through Genesis 4 and the account of Cain and Abel I was drawn to verses 2- 4 (NLT): “When they grew up, Abel became a shepherd, while Cain cultivated the ground. When it was time for the harvest, Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord. Abel also brought a gift – the best of the firstborn lambs from his flock.”

What stood out to me from the text were two words: some…and best. Cain presented ‘some’ of his crops as a gift and offering to God, while Abel offered the ‘best’ of his flock.

I am from a farming background. My Dad was a grain farmer so I can easily relate to Cain’s grain offering. I recall that at harvest time the circumference of the field and the outside edge was generally the worst part of the crop. This area typically yielded the least return, produced the poorest quality of grain and had the greatest influx of weeds. It was often trampled, wind-blown and scorched. And while it produced ‘some’ grain  it generally contributed the least to the harvest. So much so in fact that in some cases Dad would invite a neighboring rancher to come and bail this part of the crop for cattle feed. It wasn’t worth the fuel it took to get in off the field. It was not too difficult, costly or much of a sacrifice to offer up and give away this portion of the harvest.

Contrast that with Abel’s offering of the lamb…the ‘best’ lamb. Although farmers, my family was not into cattle farming. However, each fall my parents would purchase a full ¼ or ½ of beef and have it cut, wrapped and put into the freezer to last my family through the winter months. All of us knew that there was one meal out of that batch of meat that we wanted to show up for…T-bone steak night. In our opinion, the ultimate cut from that animal. The loin the most tender, the meat next to the bone the tastiest. Mom would fry it up on the stove - in Crisco oil - and it was a feast adequate for a king. Delicious, mouthwatering, the very best!! No one wanted to miss out, be late or absent when T-bone was on the menu. At times Mom would invite others to join us for that special meal. It was always a very special opportunity when we were able to honor others by sharing and giving the very best we had to offer.

As I compared those two scenarios of offerings I thought about my life, my ultimate offering to God... and I asked myself whether I give God ‘some’ of my life, or the ‘best’ of my life? Do I offer up ‘some’ of my time, energy and resources… but stop before it begins to cost me personally? Do I offer my King steak or spam? Do I serve sacrificially or beneficially? Do I give God the best parts of all of me or do I withhold big chunks for self comfort, self preoccupation and self control?

Lord Jesus, I want to give you the very best I have every day…all day. Forgive me for the times I have kept the best for my selfish pleasure. Show me how to give away my life…the best of my life…for You and your Kingdom cause. Amen.

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