Tuesday, September 6, 2011


The other night my husband and I watched the CBC program, “The Passionate Eye”. I know that doesn’t sound very exciting but I found myself getting more and more engaged as they chronicled the story of JoEllen, a young woman who desperately wanted to find the anonymous donor who helped bring her into existence. As the story unfolded not only did she, through amazing circumstances,  find “Donor 150” (her biological father) and have the opportunity to meet him, but she also found 12 half-siblings! It was amazing to watch as these siblings met each other for the first time. The bond was incredible and the family resemblance unmistakable, the eyes, a hand gesture,  the way they fiddled with their hair and their artistic bent. As I watched my thoughts turned to the beautiful and sometimes surprising connection we share as children of God. I’m amazed when it happens with someone I met at church, in my own culture but it is even more surprising when it is in another country and you don’t speak the same language. Recently a friend shared with me that during his summer travels he met a complete stranger and very quickly found himself wondering whether that person was a believer, part of the family.  And sure enough --- he was. What is it? Why do we have this feeling, this sense? Firstly,  I think it is the Holy Spirit alive in each of us. Romans 8:16,17  “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children”.  I also think part of it is the family resemblance. Traits we know to be true of our Heavenly Father that we see in them. Hebrews 2:11 says “Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sister.” What a gift to be part of this amazing family that is spread all over the globe with Christ as our big brother and God as our Father. Talk about a sense of belonging! And can you imagine the party in heaven when we meet ALL the siblings! 

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