Saturday, November 30, 2013

Reclaiming Advent

The season of advent is almost here. Sunday December 1 begins a four-week journey in the Christian calendar which is a period of longing, hoping and expectation.  It’s the season of coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important.
How do we recapture advent? Why do we need to?
To recapture advent in our daily lives is to recover how to live in a world of impatience, as a patient people. I encourage you to read Luke 1:46-55, a passage of hope. Hear these words from Mary and the hope that seems to be pouring out of them.
Advent is patience. Advent is yearning. Advent is longing. Advent is waiting.
It is how God has made us a people of promise in a world of impatience.
And Christ has made that possible; for us to live patiently in a world of impatience.
Now, take a moment and patiently pray these words in preparation of this coming season.
Unexpected God,
Your advent alarms us.
Wake us from drowsy worship,
from the sleep that neglects love,
and the sedative of misdirected frenzy.
Awaken us now to Your coming,
and bend our angers into Your peace.
Greg Ramsden

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