Saturday, October 12, 2013

Perception vs. Reality

Perception is not necessarily reality. There is the way something appears, and there is the way it truly is.  In Joshua 9, the people of Israel were faced with a dilemma about illusion and truth. They were making their way into the Promised Land, and all the enemy nations were terrified to meet them in battle. A group of people called the Gibeonites came up with a plan to deceive the Israelites into making a treaty with them. The Gibeonites pretended to be poor and from a faraway land by wearing old shoes, torn clothes and by putting moldy bread in their travel bags.
They came to the leaders of Israel and presented their case; they needed help. They needed the people of Israel to care for them. They needed protection. The leaders looked at the Gibeonites and saw that they looked poor and broken. Everything appeared to be true. Perception defined reality, and the Israelites signed an agreement with the Gibeonites. All seemed to go according to plan. Except for one thing. 
Joshua 9:14 reads, “The Israelites sampled their (the Gibeonites) provisions but did not inquire of the Lord.” All the evidence pointed positively to going forward with an agreement. But no one stopped to ask God and listen for His voice on the matter. What appeared to be a good thing ended up creating trouble for Israel for generations afterward because they did not pause to listen to the One who sees perfectly through every deception and reveals truth to those who pause to listen.
Jesus promises us in John 10 that we can hear His voice and live responsively to His leading. His call to us is to take moments everyday where we will pause, inquire of Him, and obey His promptings that lead us into a full and abundant life. 
What are you facing today that is an opportunity for you to inquire of the Lord? Pause; tell Jesus what is on your heart and listen to Him. Read John 10, and take time to reflect on His voice in your life.

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