Saturday, September 21, 2013

Overwhelmed with Awe

Sometimes I become complacent.  I go about my daily life: taking kids to school, driving to sports, doing the grocery shopping, housekeeping...I could go on. I move about my life here jumping from one task to the next. But when I stop doing all the "things" I feel I need to do, and I sit in the presence of God for just a few minutes, I am always left with an intense feeling of awe. 
Have you ever stood in awe of a summer storm as it rolls its way across the prairies? Or seen the strength of ocean waves as they crash against rocks? Have you ever thought, “Where does all that power or energy come from?”
You don't have to read far into Scripture to sense God's power, love and ultimately His sacrifice for us.  I want to constantly be in awe that the God of all heavens and earth sacrificed His only Son so that I could be reconciled to Him.  That's powerful!
Mark 9:15 says, "When the crowd saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with awe, and they ran to greet him."
Learning more about Revelation over the past two weekends has revived in me the realization that one day, I too will stand before Jesus and just like the crowd that Mark wrote about, I will be overwhelmed with awe just by the sight of Him…that is exciting!
God, help me to not be complacent but to be constantly in awe of Your power, love and sacrifice everyday.
In Christ,
Fiona Hilkewich

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