Saturday, September 28, 2013

Keeper of My Dreams

This past month has brought a whirlwind of changes for me. For one, I will be studying at the Peace River Bible Institute in Sexsmith for this next year, and I was nervous about the move. I have gone to SPAC my whole life and have been involved in various ministries and grown close to many people. My biggest fear about this move was losing the family and “at home” feeling I have at SPAC. But God shows up in ways I had never dreamed!

Here’s a quick run down of my first two weeks: I auditioned (and was accepted) for the school choir, drama tour team, school chapel worship team, and the Grande Prairie Alliance (GPAC) worship team. Not only that, but I have been asked to sing in Spanish for both the Missions weekend here at school and at GPAC. Also, our global partners and my good friends Ruth and Stan Nilsson “just happen” to live here in Sexsmith! And God has graciously brought an amazing new friend into my life. We fit together so well that it can only be explained by God’s handiwork.

Can you see the pattern here? God has gone before me and is with me every step of the way; I am greatly encouraged. What I’ve found out is when God leads me somewhere, He will not dump me off and leave me stranded and alone. He will provide opportunities to use the gifts He’s given to me. He will bring people into my life to encourage, and to also be encouraged. And all the while, He is right there with me.

You are never alone. So rest and be at peace knowing that God’s got it!
Be at peace, come rest in Me, I am all you need, Keeper of your dreams.
Your sister in Christ, Amber Giesbrecht

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Overwhelmed with Awe

Sometimes I become complacent.  I go about my daily life: taking kids to school, driving to sports, doing the grocery shopping, housekeeping...I could go on. I move about my life here jumping from one task to the next. But when I stop doing all the "things" I feel I need to do, and I sit in the presence of God for just a few minutes, I am always left with an intense feeling of awe. 
Have you ever stood in awe of a summer storm as it rolls its way across the prairies? Or seen the strength of ocean waves as they crash against rocks? Have you ever thought, “Where does all that power or energy come from?”
You don't have to read far into Scripture to sense God's power, love and ultimately His sacrifice for us.  I want to constantly be in awe that the God of all heavens and earth sacrificed His only Son so that I could be reconciled to Him.  That's powerful!
Mark 9:15 says, "When the crowd saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with awe, and they ran to greet him."
Learning more about Revelation over the past two weekends has revived in me the realization that one day, I too will stand before Jesus and just like the crowd that Mark wrote about, I will be overwhelmed with awe just by the sight of Him…that is exciting!
God, help me to not be complacent but to be constantly in awe of Your power, love and sacrifice everyday.
In Christ,
Fiona Hilkewich

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sympathy or Empathy?

This week a verse in Hebrews has been on my mind.  It reads:
“Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” (Hebrews 13:1, 3)
There’s a big difference between having sympathy for someone versus having empathy. The difference is made clear in this verse when it says to remember the imprisoned and mistreated, as if you yourself were imprisoned and mistreated. Feeling the pain of others rather than feeling sorry for them is the dividing line between empathy and sympathy.
When I read this passage, it prompted me to spend time praying for and feeling the pain of my imprisoned, mistreated, and persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. As I pondered current events and news headlines, it was not difficult to find situations or people groups to pray for, but it was difficult to enter into their fear and pain in a manner that moved me beyond sympathy. For most of us, thinking of our persecuted brothers and sisters serves mostly as a reminder of how good we have it. This is not entirely wrong, but it’s not the kind of love that is encouraged in Hebrews.
Take time in your day to be grateful for how fortunate we are to live in North America, for sure! Ask God for the grace to continue to remember and love our imprisoned and mistreated brothers and sisters.
- Pastor Kevin

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pacelines and the Church

Being married to a cycling enthusiast, the conversation this week has turned quite often to the Tour of Alberta.  Although I'm no expert, I'm learning that the rider at the front of the team's paceline has the job of "pulling." It takes about 20% less energy to be carried in the paceline than to battle and buffet the winds on your own.  Each person takes a turn at the front of the paceline in an effort to "pull" their team members to victory.  This takes incredible unity and discipline.  Watching this process unfold is truly remarkable.
It brings to my mind God's dream for how the Body of Christ, the Church, should flow together towards our goal. "He handed out train Christ's followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ's body, the church, until we're all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son." (Ephesians 4:14-15 MSG)
On another note, as unbelievable as it is this weekend we dive into our last series of E100.  We start five weeks in one of the most challenging, confusing and amazing books of the Bible - Revelation. I hope you can be at all five, but if you can't, you can always listen to previous sermons on our website.