Friday, February 10, 2012

Prayer for Mercy

By St. Maria Faustina

As people who are in constant need of mercy we pray,

Help us Jesus, that we ask of You - we will give to others - Mercy, both in deed and word

Help us, O Lord, that our eyes may be merciful, so that we may never suspect or judge others, but always look for what is beautiful and good in my neighbor

Help us, that our ears may be merciful, so that we may give heed to others' needs and not be indifferent to their pain

Help us, O Lord, that our tongue may be merciful, so that we will never speak wrongly of others, but have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all

 Help us, O Lord, that our hands may be merciful and fulled with good deeds so that we may do only good to others and try to take upon the more difficult and toilsome tasks


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