Monday, February 6, 2012

Getting Perspective

“Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”  Psalm 16:5 & 6

Thursday morning I was reading this Psalm and as read that line “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places” my immediate thought was “Wish I could say that.” The Psalmist David seems to be saying his life has gone well, he’s had it pretty good. Some people seem to have all the luck; its always up and the right for them. Others seem to barely get by. You can guess which camp my mind was in Thursday morning.

As I pondered on my life I thought about dreams I’ve had to let go of, people I’ve lost, wounds I’ve received, and how I seem to never really get ahead. My boundary lines don’t seem to have fallen in pleasant places…at least in my opinion.

 Right in the middle of this “poor me” pout I began to think about literal boundaries. I thought about the border of Canada and the U.S. that I’ve crossed many times. As I viewed a mental map of Canada and the U.S in my head the Holy Spirit began to whisper to me as he revealed where my boundaries have fallen, starting with my geographic boundaries. I live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I have seen sites that people travel around the world to experience. I’ve had the privilege to live in complete freedom in the U.S. and now Canada.

The Holy Spirit began to zoom me in to the boundaries of the states and province I’ve lived in: Oregon, Colorado, and Alberta. Each a mind blowing example of beauty in creation. I zoomed in tighter to the boundaries of the counties and cities I lived in. In Oregon I was an hour away from the Pacific Ocean, two from world class skiing and hiking. I could be on a river fly fishing in 60 minutes and deep in thought riding through a forest on my motorcycle in 20.

You’re starting to get the idea right? So was I. So I spent the rest of my time with God and Holy Spirit asking them to show me closer and closer close ups of my boundaries. The people I’ve been able to meet, the activities I’ve been able to participate in, the family I’ve been allowed to love, the house I get to live in, the wife and kids I’ve been blessed with. It was a good exercise for me and it changed my perception.

I wonder if a similar exercise would be helpful for you. Find a time and space to reflect on this Psalm and ask God to show you your boundaries. Start with a big picture (Earth or the hemisphere, the continent, your country) and slowly allow the Holy Spirit to zoom you in closer and closer, from continent, to country, to province, to county, to city, to block, to house, to room, right to the point of where you are sitting and praying. Ask for God for insights and the significance of each of these boundary snap shots.

An exercise like this is good for perspective. It allowed me to take a big step back and remember how good I’ve got it. Truly the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

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