Thursday, May 12, 2011


I have been thinking about this word a lot lately. Statements like “God is good, life is good, you are good are ones that we hear often and maybe we react and with sarcasm say, “Ya right!”

We read verses from the Bible like “All things work together for good” (Romans 8:28) or “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1:6)

What does the word mean to you? When the Bible uses it, what does it mean?

In my limited knowledge of life I have come to realize that it is indeed very, very limited. My knowledge compared to God’s knowledge, there is no comparison. So when God uses the word “good” like the “good work” He is doing in me, I am not able to fully appreciate the significance of His perspective of “good”.

Sometimes I don’t like his perspective. I am hard of hearing, have cancer (that is in remission) suffer from arthritis, deal with self identity, have struggles with relationships and self discipline. Is God really doing a “good work” in me?

Yes, because I am,  as the term that we hear often says, “a good work in progress”. Of course, this is from God’s point of view.

How about you? What is the “good work” that God is doing in you? Or is this concept “so heavenly that it is of no earthly good”? There is that word “good” again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that in thinking of the "good works" God is doing in us, we have to think past the phsyical realm, and into the spiritual one.... and also into the future.
Yes, The Lord God is doing good in you, because here you are, sharing his message with the world. Your love for God, your actions and message causes a ripple affect and touches others. God makes good use of you as a tool, as a servant; you bring other's closer to him.
Because of this good work, more souls will join the army of God. Imagine how "good" this is!! The more souls who stand and fight for Jesus, who commit themselves and thier children to him, who lift others up when they have fallen, the more evil is defeated.
Our bodies are so temporary, and though "fearfully and wondrously made," they are only houses for our souls. One day we will have new, perfect bodies in Heaven. The good that the Lord does through us has nothing to do with our bodies; Good are righteous acts.