Friday, May 6, 2011

Deliver Us From Amnesia

I have always been fascinated by stories in which the main character suffers from amnesia. We all know how it goes, because they can’t remember their past, they’ve lost their identity. They have no context for their existence. They are isolated and alone. I’m captivated by their intense search for clues that will give them any hint as to who they are. They are consumed by this quest. Maybe I’m so easily drawn into these stories because, if I’m honest, on some other level, I ask the same kinds of questions...  who am I? Why am I here? How does my short little life fit within the grander scheme of things?

God’s word the Bible has given me some answers and although I certainly don’t have it all figured out here’s two things I’m learning to stand on with greater certainty all the time.

Firstly, God’s Word reminds me that my primary identity is as a child of God. “See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for He allows us to be called His children, and we really are” I John 3:1. He created me, redeemed me and loves me all the time, even though I don’t deserve it. What a relief to know that it’s not what I do, how well I perform or what I achieve. This identity is a gift that I have received through Jesus. He promises He will never change how He feels towards me. Talk about security! He has also promised that He is always with me so I never need to fear being alone. Do I ever forget my identity? Many times, but as I continue to take God at His word, my bouts with “amnesia” are becoming less frequent. And it doesn’t end there….

Another way that God continues to help me be at ease with who I am is by helping me view my life as part of a bigger story. My story isn’t limited to the context of my parents, grandparents and known family tree. As a child of God I’m part of a much bigger story that includes all the men and women of faith who have gone before me, and all those who will come after me. Whenever I’m having an “amnesia” moment---feeling isolated in my journey with God---all that I need to do is to go to a part of the Bible like Hebrews 11 where I find a list of fellow participants in this great story. When you glance down the list some of these folks saw incredible miracles---like the Red Sea parting and the walls of Jericho falling---of course we’d all like to have a part like that in the story. Others however, saw nothing but hardship and suffering.  What God saw was their faith.   That gives me great comfort because again, its not performance and spectacular results that God is after, it’s faith. Day by day surrendering to Him, doing my best to be obedient and leaving the rest in Him hands. I’m a child of God and part of a great community of faith, each of us with a small but significant role in God’s great story. So let’s face each day with confidence in our identity…and on days we don’t…. God deliver us from amnesia!

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