Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Temptations of Power

In getting ready to speak this weekend I came across a this name a couple times: Vaclav Havel. I think I've heard his name before, but after I reading the speech linked here, he's a new favorite. Give it a read. I bet you'll say the same thing.

Havel writes about the dark, seductive side of power. His primary application is politics, but if you allow it, I think his message will speak into any arena.

Those of us who lead others - who parent, coach, teach, whatever - generally start with a good motive for doing so. But Havel thinks we're always influenced by a second need. That need is to convince ourselves that we're significant. If we lack self awareness we won't know this motivation is there, and if we're not careful, the second need will overtake the first.

I've been thinking a lot about this in the last couple of days. Thinking about my own multiple motivations for leading like I do. This stuff messes with a person. Thanks God for the example of Jesus, who did not come to be served, but to serve. Who emptied Himself of His power and died on the cross for me, and gave me supreme example of what power ought to look like. Jesus shows what power is for: Giving...loving...serving.

He humbled Himself and died for you. That's where your assurance is supposed to come from.

The Father delights in me, this I know. I hope you do too.

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