Friday, November 26, 2010

Could you go one day without ripping anyone?

If you want to read a convicting portion of the Bible, look no further than James 3:1-12. It's all about the tongue...about the incredible power of words.

Yes, it's true that our words can create and sustain life, but they also destroy and kill. It's sort of sobering to think that if you want to drive a car or own a gun, you have to get a license, but we're free to drop verbal bombs without restriction. It's not that often that we're held accountable for the damage our words cause.

Recently I heard about an exercise that's taken from an old discipleship course. It goes like this: For one week, don't boast or defend yourself, and, don't gossip or speak negatively about anyone. Could you do it? One week seems pretty daunting. Could I pull it off for a morning? Well, I've settled on trying to make it for one day. I'm going to try not to puff myself up or tear anyone down for 24 hours.

I've only been thinking about this for a short time, and I've already caught myself being prideful, defensive, and self righteous. I can't believe how easy it is to put others down and build myself up!

One day without ripping anyone. Could you do it?

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