Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Unleashing Compassion

"For God so loved the world HE GAVE..." God is a giver. God is not a taker. God is love and giving is how love is generally expressed. Giving is the heart of love, and therefore giving is the heart of God.  When He gave Jesus, God out gave Himself. In Jesus, God sets a new record for compassion and generosity.

Let's talk about giving... in the holistic sense.. not just financial.. but giving by serving, giving of your time and heart - making a difference in our community and world. The most blessed heart is the one that gives like God.. open handed and ready to partner with our great giving God.
It's time for action.


John said...

I've heard someone say that it's not what you give. It's what you have left.

kevin said...

The sign that a community is truly becoming a community is when the majority of it's people are moving from "what can I get from this community" to "What can I give to this community."