Friday, December 7, 2012

Hi Church Family,

The word Advent comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “the coming.” This past weekend in our services, we lit our first advent candle, and Kevin reminded us to stir up a sense of expectation for what God might want to do as we celebrate Christ’s coming to earth. I was personally challenged by that. What am I expecting this Christmas? Do I believe that the One who humbly broke into the darkness of humanity wants to come and break into my life in new ways?

It’s easy to fall into survival mode at this time of year, but I’ve made a fresh commitment to ask Jesus to “rock my world” this Christmas. To open my eyes and ears and heart to the new things He wants to say through His story. If this resonates with you, I invite you to make this prayer part of your personal preparation for Advent.

Jesus, prepare me to reclaim your Good News again. Where my expectations have become low, make me the most expectant, faith-filled Advent worshipper ever. Have Your way in me this Christmas for the sake of your Kingdom. Come, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Pastor Rita

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