Saturday, October 13, 2012

Church Family,

I am a reader. Usually I have 4 or 5 books going at once. It’s not because I particularly enjoy reading as an activity, but because I feel there is so much that I still need to learn. I read something this week that has convicted and inspired me. The book is called Vertical Church by James McDonald.  Personal Disclaimer: I do not restrict myself to just “church” or “pastor” books. Just yesterday, I was reading my daughter’s favourite book about Taylor Swift-a riveting tale, I assure you.

Back to Vertical Church: I haven’t read the whole book, so I won’t send out an endorsement just yet, but this quote is on my heart:

“ today as a weekly experience with the manifest glory of God is the greatest lack we face. The lost are not found because God’s glory is not revealed in church. Children wander because church is pathetically predictable or shamefully entertaining but hardly ever authentically God. Marriages flounder because arrogance grows unchecked in our hearts and is not weekly cut down by the pride-withering presence of Almighty God...We cannot survive spiritually without that corporate connection in heart, soul, mind, and strength with the One who made us.

The author is speaking generally about the church in North America, but it awakens in me a hunger for the manifest glory of God to be revealed in our gatherings. Not just occasionally, but every time we choose to assemble in the name of Jesus.

Would you join me in praying for this?


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