Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hey Church Family,

This week I had the privilege of seeing a miracle. It was a relational miracle. Where there had been deep pain and brokenness, there was now love, forgiveness and healing. It was amazing to see how this miracle never would have happened without community…without people willing to listen. It wouldn’t have happened without people speaking words like, “hang in there”, “you can do it”, “God will make a way”, or “I’m praying for you”.

And at the root of it all was a strong belief that even though it looked like reconciliation was impossible, with God all things are possible. Can I share another aspect of this miracle? It didn’t happen overnight – it took years. But it was worth it.

So be encouraged. Our God is a God of restoration and reconciliation. It might be tough, and it might take years, but don’t give up. In a world that tells us to quickly bail on relationships that aren’t working, choose to surround yourself with a community of people who will give you the hope and courage to hang in there.

Whether your challenge is with a co-worker, a friend, a family member, or a neighbour, God’s dream for healthy and supportive relationships is worth fighting for. Remember, Jesus knew that a healthy relationship with you was worth dying for, and He’s with you every step of the way!

Hope you see a miracle this week.

Pastor Rita

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