Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dear Church,

Earlier this week I was reading a passage in Luke 8 that’s been a familiar but frustrating one for me. It’s the one where Jesus is speaking in a crowd when his mother and brothers come by and ask to see him. Jesus ignores them and instead tells the crowd that anyone who hears God’s word and puts it into practice is his mother and brother. Jesus response to his family has always felt disrespectful to me. As I meditated on this passage I asked God if I’m missing something. God challenged my perspective to see that Jesus is actually elevating the relational value of following him to the same level as family; not the other way around as I have often thought. With a fresh perspective in mind this week I’ve seen my teammates on staff and all of you in a new light. My love and affection for our church has deepened and my appreciation of my family (my wife, kids, mom, brother and sister) has been heightened.

This weekend as we gather in a worship service I hope we’ll see and appreciate each other the way Jesus sees and loves us…as family. We have a unique experience planned that I truly hope you don’t miss. Come with an expectant heart that’s ready to respond to and support how God is moving. If you’re the curious type, and wonder what we’re up to, check out Acts 8.

See you soon.

Pastor Kevin

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hey Church Family,

This week I had the privilege of seeing a miracle. It was a relational miracle. Where there had been deep pain and brokenness, there was now love, forgiveness and healing. It was amazing to see how this miracle never would have happened without community…without people willing to listen. It wouldn’t have happened without people speaking words like, “hang in there”, “you can do it”, “God will make a way”, or “I’m praying for you”.

And at the root of it all was a strong belief that even though it looked like reconciliation was impossible, with God all things are possible. Can I share another aspect of this miracle? It didn’t happen overnight – it took years. But it was worth it.

So be encouraged. Our God is a God of restoration and reconciliation. It might be tough, and it might take years, but don’t give up. In a world that tells us to quickly bail on relationships that aren’t working, choose to surround yourself with a community of people who will give you the hope and courage to hang in there.

Whether your challenge is with a co-worker, a friend, a family member, or a neighbour, God’s dream for healthy and supportive relationships is worth fighting for. Remember, Jesus knew that a healthy relationship with you was worth dying for, and He’s with you every step of the way!

Hope you see a miracle this week.

Pastor Rita

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dear Church Family:

Earlier this week, I pulled a book by Craig Groeschel off of my shelf. Its title? One of the shortest I’ve ever seen, simply "It".

Groeschel writes, "
It. Some ministries have it. Some don't. Most churches want it. Few have it. When a church has it, everyone can tell. And when one doesn't…everyone can tell. It is unique, it is powerful, it is life-changing. That's its upside. It has another side too. It attracts critics, it is controversial. Many people misunderstand it. It's hard to find, but it's impossible to miss."

If you're wondering what
it is, I'll do my best to give you an answer in the message this weekend.

On Saturday and Sunday, we're starting a new series on the book of Acts called "The Church is Born." Read Acts 2 if you want to be more prepared. This weekend, we'll also describe the rhythm of the next year and some of the unique opportunities provided by a new ministry season. If you're a regular at our first service on Sunday morning, remember our new start time of 9 am (Saturday 7 pm and Sunday 10:45 am times are unchanged).

See you at church,
