Tuesday, April 3, 2012

May all your expectations be frustrated...

I had a few people ask for a copy of the benediction that I read at the end of each service this past weekend. Here it is:
"May all your expectations be frustrated
May all your plans be thwarted
May all your desires be withered into nothingness
That you may experience the powerlessness and poverty of the Prodigal
And may lead you to sing and dance in the love of God
Who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen"

Pastor Greg


Deborah said...

Wow. Let's be clear: this is not for those in the body of Christ but those without.

The very purpose of the Law is to bring one to the end of oneself, to come to the precise and full realization you are invoking here: that any level or degree or amount of self-effort, however good or righteous, is utterly futile outside of the cross of Christ.

Once we acknolwedge this, we come in to the many-fold grace of Christ, the Son of God's love and are to rest, as He is at the right hand of His and our Father, as He finished the work He came to do to open the door of salvation to the entire world, first the Jew (Israelite), then the Gentiles. All we are to do is believe Him and receive the goodnesses and blessings of His magnificent everlasting love - and that (His Word: Jesus the Anointed One/Messiah/Christ) is what will transform us, from glory to glory, into a (super)natural lover whose light/love shines on/blesses the world.

In this way, we follow our Shepherd, the firstfruit of many, the door into the heart of hearts (the Holy of Holies)of our Father, to rest by still waters and in green pastures, enjoying the life we have been resurrected into as new creations in Christ, knowing that we are priviledged to play a part, however small, in distributing our Father's love blessings, bestowing His goodnesses and mercies on whomever we are blessed to come into contact with.

Indeed, before Christ, we were powerless and poor, but, praise God, by His stripes we ARE healed and though He was rich, He was made poor so that, by His poverty, we might be made rich!

Praise the generous and bountiful love of our Father for His children, those called out of the dying world to live with and in His Son for the praise of His glory!

Deborah said...

We are justified, redeemed, altogether saved from the death reigning in our body inherited from Adam. How? Solely and uniquely by His blood - the blood of the Lamb, the sacrifice to end all sacrifices!

The blood changed everything ... forever. Praise God for redeeeming us from the slavery of sin once and for all!

Thus cleansed forever of all sins, past, present and future, and the death-dealing sin nature, we are subsequently sparked into life with the holy Seed of God's Spirit, and can now draw near to our Father and Christ, our Lord, boldly entering His throne room as sons and daughters: heirs, destined to reign in the life Christ came to bring!

Halellujah! The whole earth groans for our manifestation, like flowers for the morning sun to break through the darkness of night.

We ARE our Father's desire, His expectation and our calling is according to His plans and purposes - the beginning of the redemption of all things!

Expect all the good our Father has for us; He loves us so and takes great joy in giving us whatever we ask! According to your faith be it unto you: as a man thinketh, so is he - so think like our Father: BIG!