Monday, January 23, 2012

Promise of Purpose

About 12 years ago I received an old beat up table from my grandfather’s estate. I’m pretty sure he used it in his shop. The top was coated in a thick layer of grey paint, it was covered in oil stains and the legs had this impenetrable dark substance on them… I’m not sure what it was. I attempted to clean it when I got it, but some of the old layers just didn’t want to come off, so I let it sit until this past summer.

The last year has been a rough one, let's just say this past week’s message really sums it up. I had just moved into a new place, had time on my hands and decided to take another look at the old table. My goal was to clean it up so I could use it as a desk. It was my grandpas and has some sentimental value, but it was set aside and discarded, it's true purpose yet to be discovered.

With some elbow grease and chemicals that really sting when splashed on bare legs (note to self, always wear pants when working with chemicals), but it felt satisfying to remove the old dirty layers. As I was slaving away on the sticky, gooey substance on the legs, my mind was processing all that has taken place over the past number of months. I was trying to figure out my life and how I ended up here. I don’t really think I ever asked God “why”, but the pain was so great, I couldn’t see any purpose to it. Then, as I was working on this table, removing all the old, God spoke to me. He said, "your life is like this table. I am molding you, working to remove all the old stuff - the gooey, gross sticky mess - to reveal what is underneath. Yes, I know it looks pretty beat up and there are a lot of layers to take off, but underneath there is character, not perfection, but character to be revealed."

He said He wants to take all the pain and turn it into something that will make me a better follower of Him. He has a purpose for my life, and although I can’t see clearly what that is, I need to learn to trust and believe in His promises.

One of the books I have been reading is written by Sheila Walsh called "The Shelter of God’s Promises". In it she delves deep into God’s promises in scripture. Here are a few:

The Promise of Provision – when I don’t think I have enough…
 “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:19

The Promise of Peace – when I’m afraid and feel alone…
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”  John 14:27

The Promise of Purpose – when I can’t see God’s plan in the pain
“And we know that all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

She describes “We are the ones who have been selected by God specifically for His purposes. Therefore God makes all things, good or bad, work together to bring about His purposes, which are indeed good…. Our confidence flows out of his steadfastness.”

The Promise of Relentless Love –  see Romans 8:38-39
“He loves us for keeps and tells us: I belong to you, and you belong to Me – forever.”

A week ago I finally finished my table. It’s not perfect, but it definitely has a purpose. The layers have come off, and more of its beautiful character has been revealed. Transformation can be painful and messy, dirty even. I choose to allow Jesus to transform me for His purpose, regardless of how much pain I need to go through – He ultimately provides all that I need and I choose to live in His promises and I know that He is walking with me every step of the way.


Lorie said...

Very well - project and story alike :) Love you!1

Theresa said...

Thank you for an inspiring and important lesson. And both the table and the photos are gorgeous, too!

Lori J. said...

Beautiful and inspiring. My "table" is still a bit of a wreck, but what a lovely reminder that if I let Him, God will make a beautiful and purposeful thing of it yet! Thank you. (ps - good job! the table looks terrific!)